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401. measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ v. 测/度/计/估/衡量;n.度量单位,计量标准;措施,办法


be measured by/in用……来衡量

measure for为…量… make a measure for sb/sth

make ... to one's measure 按某人的尺寸做……

take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事

to one’s measure按照某人尺寸 

【例句】①Education shouldn't be measured purely by examination results. 教育不应该纯粹以考试成绩来衡量。

②You should take effective measures to improve your workers' working conditions. 你们应该采取有效措施改善你们工人的工作环境。

③In the old days, my mother always made new clothes to my own measure with the Spring Festival coming. 过去,妈妈在春节来临时总是为我量身做新衣服。


【串记】To know the measurementof the spaceship you should take some measures to measure it by yourself. 要知道这个飞船的尺寸,你需要自己采取措施测量。

402. meet /mi:t/(met,met) vt. 遇见,见到,结识;迎接;遭遇; 满足,达到;n. 会,集会


meet one’s need/requirement/standard 满足某人的需要

meet with 偶然遇到; 碰到; 遭受; 和…会面

meet up with遇见,赶上

meeting n. 见/会面;会议;机会;运动会

sports meeting运动会

hold a meeting开会.举行会议

【例句】She is the girl whom you meet at the airport.她就是你在机场遇见的那个女孩。

【串记】Yesterday I met with Jack.Ma and we had a meeting in which I put up with some suggestions which meet his requirements of improving Tao Bao. 昨天我和马云见面了,我们开了会,会上我提出的建议符合他改进淘宝的需求。

mention ['menʃn]  v.& n.提到,涉及;说起


(1)mention doing sth.提到做某事

mention to sb. that ...mention sth.to sb.  向某人提及……

not to mention = without mentioning更不必说,更谈不上

Don't mention it. 不要客气/不用谢/没关系。

(2) make (no) mention of (没)提及,(没)提到

【例句】①In the interview, the singer mentioned her childhood to the journalist.在采访过程中,歌手向记者提及了她的童年时代。

②The boy is good at advanced mathematics, not to mention such an easy problem.这男孩连高等数学都擅长,更不用说这么简单的问题了。

③Whenever I mention playing football, he says he's too busy.我一跟他提踢足球的事,他就说太忙。

mess/mes/ n. 混乱;混杂;脏乱 v. 弄糟;弄乱;妨碍


in a mess 乱七八糟, 繁乱

make a mess of把……弄糟

mess about(around)混日子,消磨时间;干预,篡改,胡闹;开玩笑

mess up把……弄糟(弄乱,弄脏)

mess with干预,打扰

【例句】①I've never seen so much mess and disorder!我从来没见过这么乱七八糟的样子。

②Ten the boys to stop messing up the room.告诉那些男孩们别把屋子弄乱了。

403. mind /maɪnd/ n. 头脑,心;思维,智力;心思,想法;v.  介意,关心;注意,小心(watch)


mind doing sth. 介意做某事

bear/keep in mind 记住; 怀; 挂心

change one’s mind 改变某人的想法

come into one’s mind 突然想到

have sb./sth. in mind 担心某人/某事

make up one’s mind 某人下定决心

on one’s mind (烦心事)在心头

mind your own business 别多管闲事

never mind没有关系,不要记在心上

absent-minded a. 健忘的,心不在焉的

single-minded a. 专一的;诚心的;纯真的

open-minded a思想开明的;无偏见的

mindful a. 留心的,注意的;警觉的

mindless a. 愚笨的;不小心的;无意识的

Would/Do you mind+[one (宾格)/one's]+doing sth.?表示请求允许或询问对方是否介意自己或别人做某事。

Would you mind+if从句?(从句中要用一般过去时)

Do you mind+if从句?(从句中常用一般现在时)表示询问对方是否介意某人做某事。

【例句】①There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind. 各种念头在我脑海中闪过。

②Would you mind my asking you/if I asked you a private question?你是否介意我问你一个私人问题吗?

【串记】An open-minded person doesn’t mean that he or she is mindless, on the contrary an open-minded person can be very mindful. 一个思想开明的人,并不意味着他(她)是一个愚笨的人,相反地这个人可能非常警觉。

minority [maɪ'nɒrəti] n.少数民族;少数


(1)a/the minority of少数的

be in the/a minority 占少数

(2)majority n. 多数,多半

be in the/a majority 占多数

a/the majority of ……的大多数

【例句】①Only a minority of America households don't have a car. 美国只有少数家庭没有汽车。

②We are in the minority on this issue. 在这件事情上我们占少数。

③The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 大部分损失容易补救。

【点津】minority/majority作主语,强调整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;强调群体中的每一个个体时,谓语动词用复数形式;a/the minority/majority of+n.作主语时,谓语动词视of后名词的单复数而定。

404. miss /mɪs/v. 未击中;错过;未领会;躲开,避过;想/怀念


miss doing sth. 错过/想念做某事

miss out 遗漏;(被)略去;错过机会

missing a. 失去的; 下落不明的

【例句】We have missed you badly since you were gone.自你走后我们非常惦念你。

【串记】I miss my missing pet, it was my fault that I miss out the opportunity to get it back. 我想念我丢失的那只宠物了,是我的错,是我错过了将它找回来的机会。

405. mistake /mɪˈsteɪk/ (mistook,mistaken) n. 错/失误;vt. 弄错,误会


mistake for把……误认为

by mistake错误地;无意中(做了错事)

make a mistake犯错误

mistaken a. 弄错的,理解错误的;错误的

【例句】He always makes spelling mistakes.他总是犯拼写错误。

【串记】Lily was mistaken by her teacher Lucy because Lucy opened the wrong box by mistake. 莉莉被她的老师露西误解了,因为露西错误地打开了盒子。

406. mix /mɪks/ v. (使)混/融/掺合,搅拌;调制/配;交往


mix sth. with sth. 把某物与某物混合起来

mix with sth.     与某物相融合

mix up         混淆,弄乱;搅匀

mix ... up with ... 把……和……搞混了

mixed adj. 混合的,混杂的

be mixed with 与…混合在一起

mixture n. 混合,混杂; 混杂的事物

【例句】①He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation.他因把中国的音乐传统和西方的音乐形式和乐器演奏融合在一起而闻名。

②Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes with the vinegar.充分摇动瓶子使油和醋混合。

③It's common to mix him up with his brother; they're twin brothers.把他同他的弟弟搞混了是常有的事,因为他们是双胞胎。

【串记】Oil and water do not mix however alcohol can mix with water. 油和水不相融然而酒精和水可以相融。

407. mood /mu:d/ n. 心境;情绪;语气;气氛


be in the mood for sth./(to do sth.)有做某事的心情

change one's mood转变心情

moody a.不高兴的,忧郁的;喜怒无常的

【例句】I'm not in the mood for reading(to read)我没有心情看书。

【串记】Tom is a moody cat sometimes he is in themood to do anything sometimes he has no mood to do anything. 汤姆是一只喜怒无常的猫儿,有时他有心情做任何事,有时做什么事都没有心情。


408. move /mu:v/ v. 移动,搬动,搬家;感动 n. 移/行/搬动


move about走来走去

move away离去,迁走

move on继续前进·出发

moving a. 活动的,可移动的; 感人的

moved a. 受感动的

movement n. 运动; 活动; 动作; 乐章

【例句】①I can hear somebody moving about upstairs.我听见楼上有人在不停地走动。

②One false move loses the whole game.一着不慎,满盘皆输。

【串记】Lyn is moved by a moving film which tells a couplekeepsmoving around the world fighting for the movement of liberation.琳被一部感人的电影感动了,电影中讲述了一对情侣为解放运动环游世界进行斗争。

narrow /'nærəʊ/ adj.狭窄的;狭隘的;勉强的v.(使)变窄;缩小

(1)narrow­minded adj.心胸狭窄的

a narrow escape 死里逃生,险些遇难

a narrow majority/victory/defeat微弱多数/险胜/勉强击败

(2)narrow down 缩小……的范围

narrow ...to ... 把……局限在……之内

(3)narrowly adv. 勉强地

【例句】①The young man has won the election by a narrow majority.这个年轻人以微弱多数赢得了这次选举。

②The heavy traffic crawled through the narrow tunnel.拥挤的车辆慢吞吞地穿过狭窄的隧道。

③Last year I had a narrow escape, so I don't want to risk my life a second time.去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒生命危险了。

④There are easy ways to narrow down your choice. 有简单的方法来缩小你的选择范围。

409. nation/ˈneɪʃn/ n. 民族;国家/民


nationala. 国家的; 国有的; 国民的

international a. 国际的; 两国(或以上)国家的nationality n. 国籍; 国家; 民族性; 部落

【例句】①No agreement was reached between the two nations.两国未能达成协议。

②The Chinese nation is a great nation in the world.中华民族是世界上伟大的民族。

【串记】People from different nationalities speak for their own nations and want to have their own right on the international stage. 来自不同国家的人民都为他们的民族发言,都希望在国际舞台上有自己的权力。

410. nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ n. 大自然;天/本性;性质


by nature生来,天生

from nature根据实物(景),写生地

in nature本质上,本性

in the course of nature自然而然地,正常地

all nature万物,人人

【例句】Nature is stronger than education.本性难移。

【串记】In nature people can’t live without nature however nature can exist without human. 事实上人不能没有自然而生存,然而没有人自然可以存在。

411.necessary /ˈnesəsəri/ a. 必需的,必要的(同essential);必然的


it is necessary for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是必要的。

it is necessary that…(should) do sth.有必要做某事

be necessary to对……是必要的

if necessary若有需要

necessarily ad.必定,必然地,必要地

necessity n. 需要;必然性;必需品

【例句】If necessary , you can contact me at home. 必要的话,我在家时你也可以和我联系。

【串记】It’snecessary for the students to study hard. It is necessary that they should try their best to prepare the college entrance examination, if necessary, they need extra study time. 学生努力学习是很有必要的,他们有必要尽他们最大的努力去学习,如果有必要的话,他们需要额外的学习时间。

412. need /ni:d/ n. & a. 需要,必要


need to do sth. 需要做某事

need doing/to be done 需要被……

needn’t have done sth. 本不必做某事的

there is no need (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)没必要做

have need to(do)必须……,务必……

in case of need在困窘时

in need在危难中;在穷困中的

meet/satisfy one’s need(s) 满足某人的需要

needy a. 贫困的;贫穷的;生活艰苦的

【例句】①There is a great need for us to learn a foreign language well in the modern society.在现代社会,学好一门外语对我们来说是非常必要的。

②A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。

【串记】 We need to do something to help the people in need, for example, the houses need to be repaired so we need to buy something to meet their needs but there is no need for us to buy these toys. 我们需要做一些事情来帮助这些需要帮助的人,例如这些房子需要修缮所以我们需要买些东西满足他们,但是我们没有必要买这些玩具啊。

413. next /nekst/ a. 最近的,紧挨着的,隔壁的;下一次;ad. 随/然后,下一步;n. 下一个人/物


in the next place其次,第二

next door to在……隔壁,几乎,近乎,差不多

next to(用于否定词之前)几乎,差不多;紧挨着

next to impossible几乎不可能的

【例句】It’s next to impossible to drive in this traffic.在交通这样拥挤的情况下几乎无法驾车行驶。

【串记】Lily is the next student towalk into the room next to the reading rom. 莉莉是下一个进入阅读室旁边房间的学生。

415.noise /nɔɪz/ n. 噪声,喧闹声


make a noise喧哗,吵闹

make a noise in the world名噪一时

make noises议论纷纷

make a noise about抱怨

noisy a. 嘈杂的;喧闹的;充满噪音的

noisilyad. 吵闹地;喧喧嚷嚷

【例句】We had to put up with a lot of noise when the children were at home.孩子们在家时,他们吵吵嚷嚷我们也得忍受。

【串记】The children play noisily, I can’t stand the noise so I don’t want to live in this noisy place. 孩子们吵闹地玩着,我不能忍受这些噪音,所以我不想住在这个吵闹的地方。

416. normal /ˈnɔ:ml/n. & a. 正常的(状态);健全的


go back/return to normal 变得/恢复正常

normally ad. 正常地;通常地,一般地;按说

abnormal a. 反常的,异常的;不规则的;变态的

【例句】He is reported as saying that the situation is already back to normal.据报道,他曾说局势已恢复正常。

【串记】His temperature finally went back to normal, but his abnormal behavior still remains. 他的体温终于变得正常了,但是他的行为仍然不正常。

417. note /nəʊt/ n. 便条;笔记,注释;钞票,纸币;音符/调;vt. 记下,记录;注/留意


(1)make/take a note/notes (of ...)记下,记录(……)

take note of 注意到

leave a note for sb. 给某人留个条子

compare notes (with sb.) (与某人)交换意见

(2)note down记下

(3) noted a.著名的

be noted for 因……而闻名

be noted as 作为……而著称

(4)notable a.值得注意的

notebook n.笔记本/簿;手册

【例句】①Read the text and make a note of any new information.读一读这篇文章并将任何新的内容都记录下来。

②Please make a note of what our teacher said in class and if you have any questions, compare notes afterwards. 请把我们的老师在课堂上所讲的内容记下来,如果有什么问题,之后再交换意见。

③This lake is noted as a home to many birds. 这个湖作为许多鸟类的栖息地而闻名遐迩。

易错点拨take note of和take notes of意思不同,前者表示“注意”,相当于take notice of;后者表示“记下,对……做好笔记”。

【串记】I bought a notebook to take notes of the dialogue when I compared notes with my colleague. 我买了一个笔记本来记录当我和他对话时交流的意见。

418. nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ pron. 没有东西/事情;n. 微不足道的人/事物


be nothing to对……来说无足轻重

for nothing免费,徒劳,无用地

have nothing to do with与……无关

make nothing of轻视,无动于衷,未利用

nothing but……只不过……而已

nothing like 没有什么能比得上;一点也不像

there is nothing like 什么也比不上

to say nothing of不用说

【例句】①I have nothing particular to do tonight:我今晚没有什么特别要做的事。

②She does nothing but listen to records.她除了听唱片什么也不做。

【串记】I help himfor nothing,it hasnothing to do with his money, because there is nothing like his kindness。我免费帮助他,这和他的钱没什么关系,因为没什么能比得上他善良。

419. notice /ˈnəʊtɪs/ n. 布/通告;通知;注意;vt. 注意(到);提及


have notice of接到通知

notice board布告栏,公告牌

notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事

take notice of注意,留心,照顾,照料

under notice接到(解雇等)预告,通知

without notice不预告

noticeable a. 显而易见的,显著的;值得注意的

【例句】①He walked so fast that he didn't notice his wife.他走得太快了,连他夫人都没注意到。

②Take no notice of what he says. 别理会他说的话。

【串记】You need to take notice of the noticeable man because I had noticed him stealing money. 你需要留意这个值得注意的男人,因为我曾经注意到他偷钱。

420. number /ˈnʌmbə(r)/n. 数(目/字;号码;vt. 编号


a (large) number of 大量的

in large numbers 大量地

a number of若干,一些;许多

the number of……的数目

numerous a. 许多的,很多的

【例句】I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number. 对不起,我想你打错了。

【串记】Tom needs Jack’s phone number because he needs a largenumber of money and Jack has numerous money. 汤姆需要杰克 的电话号码,因为他需要一大笔钱,杰克有很多钱。



1. We spent the morning            (measure) the size of the furniture and deciding where it would go.  

2. I’m sorry to have takenyour bag instead of mine           mistake. 

3. It's nothing like what it          (use) to be. It has changed completely.

4. And you can continue totake         (measure) that strengthen those programs.

5. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping         (noise), from the tower.  

6. Wemust take action to find the          (miss) tourist in the mountain. 

7. People often mix the actress up          actors. She looks manly.

8. The sad man was sitting alone, not       the mood to chat with the others.

9. Asyou can see,          (move) from one iteration to the next is very simple.

10. Asked about his         (nation), he said “American”.


1. We visited historical and sacred sites, andmeet with inspirational leaders.

2. Don'thesitate to compare notes to us and ask us for information.  

3. These communities are now turn to recycling in large numbers.

4. Water can not be mix with oil. Oil will float on water.

5. But experts say this should not stop gardeners from grow food if theytake safety measure.

6. Fornature there is some spiritual good and some spiritual bad in everyone.

7. Would you mind move the cupboard a little for me?

8. Itis necessary that he is here with his sick and weak mother by the weekend.

9. Theladies are talking more noisy than the gentlemen.

10. Wehave to look at everything from a international perspective(视野,视角)


1. If they don’t manage their time well they may                  (错过) on things. 

2. Someone you have liked for some time will                    (注意到) the changes you are making.  

3. One afternoon before a storm I saw ants coming out                        (大量地). 

4. I was going to vote for him, but I                        (改变主意) and voted for Reagan/

5. What one does in his leisure time may                                        (与…无关意) his job.


1. 在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。(It is difficult to)

2. 当你有需要的时候,不管你在那里我都会在那。(in need)

3. 有人给我们作了介绍,我挨着他坐下了。(next to)

4. 我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢?(meet the need of)

5. 如果你反对这个决定,你将会失去参与项目的机会。(objectto)



1. measuring  2. by  3. used  4. measures  5. noisily  6. missing  7. with  8. in  9. moving  10. nationality


1. met→meet  2. to→with  3.turn→ turning  4. mix→mixed  5. grow→growing  6. For→By  7.  move→ moving  8. is→be  9. noisy→noisily  10.a→an


1. miss out  2. take notice of  3. in large numbers  4. changed my mind  5. have nothing to do with


1. It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage. 

2. Whenyou are in need, I will be there where ever you are. 

3. Someoneintroduced us and I sat next to him. 

4. How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups?

5. Ifyou object to this decision, you will lose the chance to join in the project. 



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[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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